Basic listing - free
Ad normal, with no additional options.
Marked by bold
Classified is surrounded by red border.
Classified is on a yellow background:
Marked by bold and Highlighted:
Featured ad
In the list of Classified ads (in the category and/or area) promoted ad is always displayed against basic Classifeid ads. In addition, such announcements is available in the list of ads featured.
Featured galery ad
Classified available in the Gallery tab
Featured on the homepage and in the menu
Ad the pot goes to the classifieds of which, each time the page refreshes, a random 10 ads displayed on the home page,
and in the menu on all pages of website. In the list of ads in the category/area has the status of besic Ads (To get the list of categories classified against basic shown a need to buy the option "Featured ad")
Extra 10 pictures
Ads can be added to an additional 10 photos
Extra 10 files
Ads can be added to an additional 10 files